While staying at Ram Bhagan Calcutta one day by the request of one man Śrīla Siddhānta Bimala Prasāda was bound to speak out about his accurate calculated time of death by watching the astrological calculation of his (the man concerned here) Horoscope, but when Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura came to know about this, then with mild chiding mood advised him not to do such thing anymore, because in this way the man will die before his actual death. So from then onward he left his Astrological practice for common purpose, but he used to apply this knowledge only for Kṛṣṇa sevā. Anyway that particular man left his body according to that Astrological calculation which was given by Śrīla Prabhupāda Bimala Siddhānta Sarasvatī. By the by we like to inform you that P.N. Bagchi the famous astrological figure was the student of Śrīla Bimala Sarasvatī. For your kind information we like to say that those big big famous Astrologer research fellows even today in their research work—are following those excellent research papers left by Śrīla Prabhupāda Bimala Prasāda Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura long ago.
Śrīla Śyām Dās Bābā