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Bhaktivinod Dhara and Anti Bhaktivinod Side (Bimala Prasad & Lalit Prasad) - Part 2

Updated: 4 days ago

All glories to Śrī Śrī Guru-Gauranga

Date 15.01.25

By sampradāya-saṁrakṣaka Śrī Śyām Dās Babajī Mahārāja

Gauḍīya Gosthi Pati Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda Paramahāmsa Jagad Guru said that— “To attribute some false allegation in aprākṛta diversity by the help of material conception is the symptom of stupidity.”

A serious of false allegations against The Prabhupāda published by your group (Lalita Prasad group) surely can deserve wide acclamation and clapping for your foolish or childish efforts to establish the superiority of your group leader. Just like an owl cannot see anything in the daytime when the Sun God is there in the sky in full form, similarly your blind group cannot find anything positive with The Prabhupāda—whose divine glories reaching far and wide all over the world, and even reaching Śrī Goloka Dham Vrindavan from where he was deputed by the Supreme Lord. When you can realize the desire of Śrī Gauranga Deva from heart then surely you cannot speak like that, I mean like—Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī  Ṭhākura Prabhupāda Bimala Prasad has fulfilled only the external desires of Śrīman Mahāprabhu. How foolish and childish such remark is! What Śrīman Mahāprabhu Himself has done or what all big big important acharyas like Śrī Ramanuja Acharya, Śrī Madhavacharya, Śrī  Vishnu Savami, Śrī Nimbarkacharya all have done or even Śrī Nivas Acharya, Shyamananda, Narottama etc. all have done, how this can be pointed out as external sevā? Right from the beginning of Śrīman Nityānanda Prabhu up to Śrīla Saccidananda Bhaktivinod Ṭhākura all they have done the same (I mean massive preaching sevā done by them for the emancipation of common mass), how this can be a negligible sevā for your group leader Lalita Prasad Ji!

Śrīla  Haridāsa Ṭhākura and Śrīla Sanantan Gosvāmī pad were discussing mutually this vital point in Purushottam Dham. Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura also started praising Śrīla Sanantan  Gosvāmī pad big way but—Sanātana  Gosvāmī  praising  Haridāsa Ṭhākura by addressing him as Namacaraya. But Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura replied, “No, actually you are the most important personality because Mahāprabhu has given you the  sevā to establish all the secret siddhāntas and to discover all lost līlā-sthalis.”

But Sanātana Gosvāmīpada made the following observation. One person might maintain proper Vaiṣṇava etiquette but does not engage in any preaching for the absolute benefit of others. But someone else preaches but is not grounded in his own acaran. Then Sanātana Gosvāmī credited Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura with having both the qualities and thus argued that, because of this, Nāmācārya Haridāsa Ṭhākura was the topmost authority in the Gauḍīya  devotional line.

apane acare keha, na kare pracara

pracara karena keha, na karena acara                (Cc Antya-līlā 102)

Some behave very well but do not preach the culture of Kṛṣṇa bhakti, whereas others preach but do not behave properly or having no acharn.

‘acara’, ‘pracara’,—namera karaha ‘dui’ karya

tumi—sarva-guru, tumi jagatera arya (Cc Antya-līlā 103)

You simultaneously perform both activities in relation to the Holy Name by your personal behavior and by your preaching. Therefore you are the most advanced devotee in the world.

Regarding the real svarūpa of an effective acharya it is written in Vayu Purāṇa that—

acinoti yah śāstrartham ācāre sthāpayaty api

svayaṁ-acarate yasmād ācārya stena kīrtitaḥ                (Manu-saṁhitā)

The ācārya is thus called because he has studied and understood the meaning of the scriptures, to establishe those meaning of śāstra in his own acaraṇa and can help others to accept the perfect acaraṇa in their life and he practices what he preaches.

From Śrī  Hari Bhakti Vilas also we can find some quotation from Vishnu Smriti in favour of the above subject matter, that—

kripasindhu susampurnah sarva satvopakarakah

nisprhah sarvatah siddhah sarva vidya visaradah

sarva samsaya sancchetta ‘nalaso gurur ahrtah             (Haribhakti bilasa – 1/45/46)

Such person is called Guru who is an ocean of mercy, who feels pain on seeing the unhappiness of others, who is always satisfied (saturated) and who works for the welfare of others, who does not desire sense gratification, who is perfect in all respects, who is expert in all scriptural knowledge, who removes the doubts of his followers and who is not lazy (always busy in serving the Lord).

Surely he is not at all real Guru who wants to keep himself under the covering of veil, even Śrīla Prahlad Mahāraj has said that—

prāyeṇa deva munayaḥ sva-vimukti-kāmā

maunaṁ caranti vijane na parārtha-niṣṭhāḥ

naitān vihāya kṛpaṇān vimumukṣa eko

nānyaṁ tvad asya śaraṇaṁ bhramato ’nupaśye               (ŚB 7.9.44)

My dear Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, I see that there are many saintly persons indeed, but they are interested only in their own deliverance. Not caring for the big cities and towns, they go to the Himālayas or the forest to meditate with vows of silence [mauna-vrata]. They are not interested in delivering others. As for me, however, I do not wish to be liberated alone, leaving aside all these poor fools and rascals. I know that without Kṛṣṇa consciousness, without taking shelter of Your lotus feet, one cannot be happy. Therefore, I wish to bring them back to shelter at Your lotus feet.

Now you will have to find the way to establish your supremacy, because you are already inside the trap of Maya Devi. You think it is far better to keep yourself inside a room (or solitary place) to establish your authenticity as Namacharya, because you are failure to maintain both achar and prachar—what Śrīman Mahāprabhu and our Gauḍīya  guru-varga have done, so surely this should be the right procedure for you to follow. It seems that even you don’t have any basic knowledge about Gauḍīya bhajana.

About The Prabhupāda we can see that—right from the beginning of his birth all different kind of excellent events went on happening every now and then. He took birth together with the natural sacred thread on his body. All such aprākṛta indications like –

– accepting Jaganatha garland during Ratha Yatra,

– exceptional kripa shakti Prakash shown by him to deliver his elder brother Annada Prasad who was lying in bed for long time with severe head pain disease,

– exceptional catching power (like a super human being) and absolute ability of aprākṛta śāstra vichar,

– very very exceptional recipient of the love and affection of Śrīla Saccidananda Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākura, who always used to keep him with him, even at the time going on different pilgrimages, also at the time of going for Guru darshan etc. all those can prove very easily that how near and dear he was in front of Śrīla Bhaktivinod Ṭhākura like eyeball. Once when he was only seven years old he was taken by Śrīla Ṭhākura in his guru pith, there the small boy strongly protested against Bipin Bihari Ji who wanted to put his leg on the head of Śrīla  Ṭhākura. The boy that time started speaking loudly that— “Do you think that you have your right to put your leg on the head of Śrīla Ṭhākura?” In this way many time it was proved that the boy was very very strict against sahajiyāism. Again when Bipin Bihari Ji went against Śrīla  Raguṇatha Das Gosvāmī pad (prayojan tattva acharya) to prove him inferior than himself – because of his taking birth in a low cast, then Śrīla Bimala Prasad requested Ṭhākura to leave this Guru, I mean he requested that— “Ṭhākura ! Please you leave this pasanda (heartless great offender)”. Also it is known from right sources like Gauḍīya patrikā etc. (authentic sources) that Śrīla Ṭhākura left his so called Guru. Śrīla Ṭhākura said that— “Guru was there, but now completely vanished”. 

Also the great defeat of Bipin Bihari Ji in-front of Śrīla Bimala Prasada Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura at Balighai assembly at Midnapur on the most controversial issue of ‘Brahman and Vaiṣṇavas’, I mean who is superior to whom (?) can prove that he (he was completely a material sahajiyā having smoking habit etc.)  was not at all genuine Guru. Then in that case how his lineage can be accepted as authentic? Also Bipin Bihari Ji completely went against Śrīla Bhaktivinod Ṭhākura when he honestly with full sincerity wanted to indicate the genuine avirbava place of Śrī Nimai (Śrī Gauranga Deva) at Śrī Dham Mayapur (which is at present known as Yogapīṭha) by getting an aprākṛta green signal in the form of watching some abnormal or inexplicable huge light source which was visible at night time over there at Śrī  Dham Mayapur which was visible to Śrīla Bhaktivinod Ṭhākura from Rani’s Chara Navadvip at a certain place at Śrī Dham Mayapur near Balaldighi which was later confirmed (indicated) by Śrīla Vaiṣṇava Sarvabouma Jaganatha Das Babaji Mahāraj – the great siddha mahātma as the original birth place (avirbhava place) of Śrī  Nimai Ṭhākura – The Supreme Lord Swayam Rup Bhagavan.      


In this way always all the time Śrīla Ṭhākura developed (or discovered) some unwanted bitter relationship with his so-called guru and was bound to leave him forever. No doubt can be there in it that Śrīla Saccidananda Bhaktivinod Ṭhākura is the eternal pārṣada of Gauranga Deva, otherwise how at all it would have been possible for him to write so many absolute vaiṣṇava-siddhānta books before taking shelter unto the Lotus feet of any sad- guru. That is the most vital question in front of us at present.

Those eternal pārṣadas or even Bhagavan He Himself also manifesting such līlā like ordinary human being of accepting guru, but that doesn’t mean they are lacking divya jnana. Śrī Ramachandra, Śrī Kṛṣṇachandra, Śrī Gaurangachandra etc. they all, who not? Even Śrīla Rupapad, Śrīla Sanātanapad, Śrīla Jivapad, Śrīla Raguṇatha, Śrīla Gopal Bhatta, Śrīla Raguṇatha Bhaṭṭa, Śrīla Śrīnivas Acharya, Śrīla Shyamananda, Śrīla Narottama, Śrīla Gaura Kisore das Baba, Śrīla Prabhupāda etc. all they have manifested such līlā of accepting guru, so what wrong in it if Śrīla Ṭhākura Bhaktivinod was bound to accept a guru? According to surrounding social circumstances that time he was bound to accept one such guru from the line of Nityānanda Parivar (?) by the gesture of Śrīman Mahāprabhu what he got in dream, but later on the guru was discovered as prākṛta sahajiyā.


Gaura Hari Hari Bol


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