No 1 –– The excellent trick (program) of Mayadevi to try to prove a critical fall down case as a vanchana-moye lila
Updated: Dec 23, 2024
If you are always in illusion then delusion is a must, so what solution can be there for the pollution inside your heart
The means is justified by the end
(By Śrīla Baba Mahārāj)
Date: Thursday 19 Dec 2024
From Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā 4.39-40
śraddhāvān labhate jñānaṁ
tat-paraḥ saṁyatendriyaḥ
jñānaṁ labdhvā parāṁ śāntim
acireṇādhigacchati (Bg. 4.39)
A faithful man who is dedicated to transcendental knowledge and who subdues his senses is eligible to achieve such knowledge, and having achieved it he quickly attains the supreme spiritual peace.
ajñaś cāśraddadhānaś ca
saṁśayātmā vinaśyati
nāyaṁ loko ’sti na paro
na sukhaṁ saṁśayātmanaḥ (Bg. 4.40)
But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness; they fall down. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next. That means––He who lacks discrimination is devoid of faith, and is at the same time possessed by doubt, is lost to the scriptural path. For the doubting soul there is neither this world nor the world beyond, not even happiness.
Gauḍīya Goṣṭhī Pati Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda Paramahaṁsa Jagd Guru said that— “Do not try to discover the nature of truth by the experience of your imagination. Do not endeavor to attain the truth through experience of the world. Do not manufacture truth in order to satisfy your erring inclinations, or hastily accept anything for the reason that it satisfies such inclinations. Do not regard as truth anything that has been “build up” or has the support of a majority of people like yourself, nor as untruth anything that is rejected by the overwhelming majority. According to the scriptures there will be found hardly one in a crore of human beings who really worships the truth (from heart). What is proclaimed by the united voices of all the people of this world as truth may turn out to be false. Therefore, cease to confront the truth in a challenging mood. The truth is not brought into existence by such arrogance. One has to approach the truth in the spirit of absolute submission…”
Very often Śrīla Prabhupāda used to say that— “Logical interpretation cannot stand in the way of that Absolute Truth. If I seek the path leading towards the ultimate good, then I must ignore the countless voices of popular wisdom, and listen only to that of the realized soul.” He further said that the most fundamental reason behind all such criticism is that, they start their criticism (logical judgment) from the platform in which they are put into at present about the subject matters relating to the higher platform, that is why they are always mislead. They start their judgment directly from the material platform in which they are put into, so they become in great confusion due to illusionary energy of Māyā for why they are always developing delusion, so what solution can be there for them. But in the way of divine śrauta-panthā there all perfect solution of any problem or all problems can be found. That is why in the way of śrauta-panthā all different kind of methods of assumptions or material experiences gathered over the years in one’s past life period can never be accepted at all, because this is called ascending process. The following śloka spoken by Pitāmaha Brahmā is just fitting here.
jñāne prayāsam udapāsya namanta eva
jīvanti san-mukharitāṁ bhavadīya-vārtām
sthāne sthitāḥ śruti-gatāṁ tanu-vāṅ-manobhir
ye prāyaśo ’jita jito ’py asi tais tri-lokyām (ŚB 10.14.3)
Those who, even while remaining situated in their established social positions, throw away the process of speculative knowledge and with their body, words and mind offer all respects to descriptions of Your personality and activities, dedicating their lives to these narrations, which are vibrated by You personally and by Your pure devotees, certainly conquer Your Lordship, although You are otherwise unconquerable by anyone within the three worlds.
Actually, whatever storage of past or present experiences which are there in our experience bank can prove to be completely failure in the way of that Absolute Truth, because the way of śrauta-panthā is just like watching the sun god by the help of the sun light emanating from the sun god. The Prabhupāda wanted to clarify the above subject matter by the help of the following example, that–– “Honey develops inside flower, honeybees exposing that fact, also poison develops in it––which is exposed by luthakita (some special insect found in flowers). Maybe in this material samsara unalloyed honey can never be derived without the mixing of poison, this is the naked status of this material world. So luthakita also can deserve some special position in this material society, otherwise honey cannot be derived. Of course, in this material world the exact utility of those honeybees is more practically felt (well known to most of the people) then the utility of luthakita, because people can get honey by the help of honeybees, but those honeybees they never feel any utility of those luthakitas, because those honeybees they never need any help of those luthakitas to collect honey from flower. So surely honeybee cannot have any enmity with lutakitha. But still rarely sometime fighting can take place among them. Drinking of honey can make some sweet intoxication inside honeybees, but this cannot become a matter of feeling of those honeybees. Anyway, poison is surely not a matter of enjoyment, rather that should be discarded. The duty or function of lutakhita is to collect and spread poison all around. Similarly, those great super personalities who are the absolute benefactors in this material world, they become the target of attack of those unwise publics, even after rendering so much absolute benefit for this world. This is really painful and unexpected truth. Unnecessarily they become a target of attack. Śrīman Mahāprabhu has given order that–– “We must develop enduring power like those trees”.
Though there cannot be any scope of any fighting between those Gauḍīya Math devotees and those branded sahajiyās—those who are standing just on the opposite pole of realization in the way of Gauḍīya bhajana, but still Śrī Gauḍīya Math has been the object of their continuous attack, because this is the question of their survival. Though in the past so many time answers to their questions relating to guru-paramparā, sacred thread, saffron cloth or sannyāsa veśa etc. already all given in the form of books, articles or speeches etc. but still they could not quench their burning heart as yet due to their tremendous jealousy, so this publication in the name of “Oh! Brother sahajiyā are you Gauḍīya?” surely can come out successful to cut off all those misconceptions usually arising out of ignorance inside the heart of those innocent common people having soft faith in devotional line. With this strong believe we are engaged in unalloyed Gaura vani sevā. If you are really in search of that Absolute Truth––which is only available in Śrī Gauḍīya Math, then you must try your best to obtain it.