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Suppression of fact is a great offence - Part 1

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

(Date 22.01.2024)

By Srila Shyam Das Baba

yac-chaktayo vadatāṁ vādināṁ vai

vivāda-saṁvāda-bhuvo bhavanti

kurvanti caiṣāṁ muhur ātma-mohaṁ

tasmai namo ’nanta-guṇāya bhūmne

(ŚB 6.4.31)

Let me offer my respectful obeisance’s unto the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead, who possesses unlimited transcendental qualities. Acting from within the cores of the hearts of all philosophers, who propagate various views, He causes them to forget their own svarūp while sometimes agreeing and sometimes disagreeing among themselves. Thus He creates within this material world a situation in which they are unable to come to the final conclusion. I offer my obeisance’s unto Him.

Gauḍīya Goṣṭhī Pati Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda Paramahaṁsa- Jagat Guru said that—

 “Absolute Truth is not such a cheap thing, so that this can be destroyed by public opinion or mass agitation, or by man power or by money power or by strangling. If my life is completely dedicated for the Absolute Truth, then that Absolute Truth will come down or appear to protect me, if at all any attack on me going to happen. Still no fear for that, because the whole responsibility lying with the Absolute Truth (The Supreme Lord Nityananda Balaram). Today is a very special auspicious day, when our long-cherished goal going to be successful, we mean – Śrī Ram Mandir and Śrī Ram Lalla vigraha going to be installed at Śrī Ayodhya Dham, so we have taken a strong resolution to establish (or install) the Absolute Truth inside the heart of everybody, like Śrīla Prabhupāda used to say that—

“I want to install Gauḍīya Math inside the heart of everybody”. Śrī Ram Lalla Bhagavan is the absolute symbol of truthfulness, morality, duty or justice. “Echoes of Eternity” our newly opened Website on that particular date going to unveil the mystery of ‘Harer nāmanu kīrtanam’ – which indicates the absolute track of ‘śrauta-panthā ’ – through which one can reach the absolute goal. We are very much interested to hear the echoes of the same ‘śabda-brahman’ which came through the original Prabhupāda, I mean through the original bhaktivinod dhara. To save you from sacrificing your life unto the feet of maya in the name of Hari bhajan, we are always alert. Actually -- Absolute truth is Absolute Truth – which can never be surprised by any means. Today or tomorrow somehow people can surely come to know about that Absolute Truth (of course if they are really interested and sincere). Like the case of Rama Mandir at Ayodhya or Kasi Visvanath Mandir at Varanasi etc. For long time those antagonists wanted to suppress the fact. But the distorted form of the historical events was ultimately exposed by the scientific survey conducted by those archeologist team on behalf of the honest Government of Bharat Mata. Similarly, our strong resolution is to expose those absolute facts in front of you all – so that you can take right decision to protect yourself for the absolute benefit of the real self-inside you. By the name of God we can solemnly say that we have no enmity with anybody, not even with an ant. Devarishi Naradji Maharaj declared openly in front of us in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam about the great Vaiṣṇava disciple at Allahabad Triveni Sangam – who was a very cruel hunter before, that –

ete na hy adbhutā vyādha

tavāhiṁsādayo guṇāḥ

hari-bhaktau pravṛttā ye

na te syuḥ para-tāpinaḥ Cc Madhya 22.147

 “‘O hunter, good qualities like nonviolence, which you have developed, are not very astonishing, for those who are engaged in the Lord’s devotional service are never inclined to give pain to others because of envy.’

Gaura Hari Hari Bol


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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gosvami Thakur Prabhupad told us –“If I seek The Path leading to that Absolute Truth, then I must ignore the countless voices of popular wisdom and listen only to that of the realized soul.”

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