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An effort to establish the fact (the Absolute Truth) and criticism is not one and the same

Most of the people are misled by those antagonists, in such a way that very easily they can misunderstand those śuddha Gauḍīya guru-Vaiṣṇavas (I mean the eternal sevāks of Gauḍīya Maṭha) for their straightforward mood of expressing the Absolute Truth, that is why to the stop confusion created through mispreaching or misinformation (by those antagonists), we have taken a strong resolution to rectify those purposely created confusions.

 From Śrīmad Bhagavatam 1.1.1 śloka we can find the following fact –

 janmādy asya yato ’nvayād itarataś cārtheṣv abhijñaḥ svarāṭ

tene brahma hṛdā ya ādi-kavaye muhyanti yat sūrayaḥ

tejo-vāri-mṛdāṁ yathā vinimayo yatra tri-sargo ’mṛṣā

dhāmnā svena sadā nirasta-kuhakaṁ satyaṁ paraṁ dhīmahi         


(ŚB 1.1.1)

“Let us all meditate (an open prayer for all) unto the Lotus feet of that Absolute Personality of Godhead – who is the prime cause of this infinite creation (both prākṛta and aprākṛta), maintenance and destruction. Also, who is absolutely independent, because there is no other cause beyond Him. It is He only who first imparted the Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahmājī, the original living being. By Him even the great sages and demigods are placed into illusion, as one is bewildered by the illusory representations of water seen in fire, or land seen in water. Only because of Him do the material universes, temporarily manifested by the reactions of the three modes of nature, appear factual, although they are unreal.”

Only and only those nirmatsara (those who are completely free of any jealousy) sādhus can follow this Absolute bhāgavat dharma, not everybody, because to take shelter of the Absolute Truth from heart is not a matter of joke. Those who cannot even take shelter of apparent truth, then how they can take shelter of that Absolute Truth! Gauḍīya Goṣṭhī Pati Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda—Paramahaṁsa Jagad Guru­—was bound to say something very important for us before leaving this material world as his last speech (antim vāṇī) that— “I have given anxiety to many of you! As I was bound to speak out those unalloyed truth, as I was bound to advise you all to do hari-bhajan without any duplicity, so many of you already accepted me as your enemy.”

“I have given you anxiety in different way—just to help you develop a positive mood of Kṛṣṇa sevā devoid of anyābhilāṣa and duplicity.”

Śrīla Prabhupāda also declared that— “If the whole world going to leave me, even if those who came to me to accept me as their preceptor go away leaving me one by one, still I will not stop speaking about that Absolute Truth standing under the Lotus like umbrella shade of my guru-pādapadma fearlessly.”

Also, very often he used to say that— “To seek the satisfaction of public and to seek the satisfaction of The Supreme Lord is not one and the same.” But most of the people are in great confusion to identify this most vital point, so naturally they are bound to misunderstand those pure guru-Vaiṣṇavas of Śrī Gauḍīya Maṭha for their straightforward mood of expressing the Absolute Truth. We should know that suppression of fact is a great offence. From Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta we know the following śloka —

tomā sama ‘nirapekṣa’ nāhi mora gaṇe

‘nirapekṣa’ nahile ‘dharma nā yāya rakṣaṇe                                                        

(Cc Antya 3.23)

“You are the most neutral among My associates. This is very good, for without being neutral one cannot protect religious principles.”

Without reaching the neutral platform one cannot maintain bhāgavat dharma (or ātma dharma). So, to apply this śloka’s meaning in our life – if we need to face the most dangerous situation in our life, still we will have to set one vivid example (or lightening example) by facing such most serious danger.

Śrīla Prabhupāda used to say that— “In the name of hari-kathā kīrtana and hari-bhajana those who are misguiding or cheating people at present, this has become a fashion of the time, I mean without being cheated by those kapat sādhus we don’t feel happy. Those people want to be cheated, so they become cheated. Whom to blame! From Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta we can find the following ślokanirapekṣa’ nahile ‘dharma nā yāya rakṣaṇe Without reaching neutral platform one cannot even protect religious principles. Without reaching the neutral platform one cannot maintain bhāgavat dharma (or ātma dharma). So, to apply this śloka’s meaning in our life – if we need to face the most dangerous situation in our life, still we will have to set one vivid example (or lightening example) by facing such most serious danger.

Very often Śrīla Prabhupāda used to say that— “Without hundred per cent submission unto the Lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, one cannot speak about that Absolute Truth fearlessly.” Those great exalted śuddha Gauḍīya guru-Vaiṣṇavas out of their endless merciful attitude wanted to speak about that Absolute Truth by ignoring personal lābha, pūjā, pratiṣṭhā or by facing countless dangerous situations or oppositions. They like to sacrifice their life for the absolute preaching of Śrī Caitanya vāṇī (I mean for the Absolute Truth). Really it is a matter of great regret – in spite of that we think them as our enemy, but those who like to cheat us in the guise of sādhu veśa (apron) by the application of sweet speech and sweet treatment, we accept them as our very near and dear one to become a street beggar in the way of paramārtha path in the short run.

Very often Śrīla Prabhupāda used to say that— “By taking undue advantage of the following śloka of Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta—‘kāya-mano-vākye kare udvega nā diba’—one should not avoid speaking about that Absolute Truth”. Those who want to take undue advantage of the following quotation from Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta "kāya-mano-vākye kare udvega nā diba" (physically, mentally or verbally one shouldn't give pain to others) to avoid speaking all about that Absolute Truth—absolute way—they are going to cheat the whole world. Genuine hari- kathā from genuine source is like apparently bitter medicine, but ultimately this can save us from ruin (can give āmṛta—which is known as bhakti).

Also many times he used to say that —


na praśaṁsen na garhayet

viśvam ekātmakaṁ paśyan

prakṛtyā puruṣeṇa ca                                                                                                                   

(ŚB 11.28.1)

“The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: One should neither praise nor criticize the conditioned nature and activities of other persons. Rather, one should look this world creation as simply the combination of material nature or prakṛti and the puruṣa (bonded souls having different kind of false ego of doership or enjoying mood), all based on the one Absolute Truth.”

If we appreciate or criticize (decry) the material qualities of any bonded soul, then we can simply invite the problem in our life of being involved or contaminated with those material qualities of that particular object of my appreciation or criticism. That is why Śrīla Prabhupāda used to say we should not commit that kind of mistake. But pure guru- Vaiṣṇavas when chide his disciple by pointing out his faults – then surely it is not criticism, this is actually causeless mercy of guru-Vaiṣṇavas, because they always like to save us from māyā. Again, when we can glorify guru-Vaiṣṇavas – then this becomes a way out to get free of māyā (three modes of material nature). But now at present in our devotional field the situation all around has become so complicated or contaminated or unclear, –that nobody can even identify this kind of fine accuracy mark to get the association of a pure Gauḍīya Maṭha sādhu, who always reserve some exclusive symptoms by speaking unalloyed truth in front of us. Then what is the solution! If I have no duplicity, only sincerity and tremendous demand for that Absolute Truth, then in that case automatically I can get the divine help to get absolute guidance of the Supreme Lord in the form of pure guru-Vaiṣṇava. Supreme Lord Himself can appear in front of me as śuddha Guru-Vaiṣṇava to inform me about that Absolute Truth absolute way (akaitava satya siddhānta vichar). Which surely kapat devotees cannot digest, because they need sweet cheating by a kapat sādhu.


So, this is the conclusion we like to draw under the guidance of our previous Gauḍīya guru-varga (those who are completely established in śrauta pantha) that the flame of the absolute bhakti yoga shown by Śrīman Mahāprabhu Śrī Krsna Chaitanya Deva must go on glowing generation after generation, we cannot allow this flame to get extinguished by the great opposition or oppression of those antagonists.  


Gaura Hari Hari Bol 


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Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gosvami Thakur Prabhupad told us –“If I seek The Path leading to that Absolute Truth, then I must ignore the countless voices of popular wisdom and listen only to that of the realized soul.”

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