Confusion regarding the identity of The original Prabhupada of Sri Gaudiya Math and his lineage, must be rectified
Date: 01.10.2024
Question No.1 from a devotee—
"Sometimes in some special cases" — these words indicate rarity of the possibility to connect to bhagavata-paramparā-guru. Suppose, I am lucky and found one bhagavata-paramparā-guru. If previously I had taken mantras from a fallen guru or a guru who is not a self-realized soul, in that case will I always benefit from bhagavata-paramparā-guru? If I don't have strong faith, will I have to take mantras again? (Just like what Baba has said about initiation in general. Only those who have complete faith in harinām don't have to take dīkṣā, which is a very very rare case, therefore dīkṣā is a must).
Answer to the question by Śrīla Shyam Das Baba—
If there is any Sad Guru available in our lineage then it is more practical to take Initiation again, or if the situation is completely negative, I mean if any such suitable guru is not available at present, then better to follow the bhagavata-paramparā strictly. The guru from whom you took initiation before, if he is not at all completely fallen but weak in that case you need not throw him out, but somehow you can try to manage your bhajan by following bhagavat-paramparā strictly. Also, if your previous guru is a great offender in that case no question of any compromise can arise at all. Strong faith in harinām mahā-mantra means strong faith in Śrī Śrī Rādhā Govinda Jew. This kind of strong faith in harinām mahā-mantra is really very very rare. We cannot expect this in general, so it is more practical to follow the gradual promotional procedure of bhajan for the development of our bhajan as per scriptural advices, because all our absolutely perfect bhajan ultimately can lead us up to the final conclusion of having strong faith in harinām mahā-mantra . Also our most beloved previous Gaudiya ācārya – The eternal pārṣada of Śrīman Mahāprabhu Śrīla Raguṇatha Gosvāmīpad has written in his Manaḥ Śikṣā – Verse 1 that—
gurau goṣṭhe goṣṭhālayiṣu sujane bhū-sura-gaṇe
sva-mantre śrī-nāmni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-śaraṇe
sadā dambhaṁ hitvā kuru ratim apūrvām atitarāṁ
aye svāntar bhrātaś caṭubhir abhiyāce dhṛta-padaḥ
(Manaḥ Śikṣā – Verse 1)
(“O my brother mind, with these pleasing words, I grasp your feet and pray to you – always abandon pride and develop great and unparalleled attachment to the guru, the pasturing grounds of Vraja, the cowherd folk that reside there, the devotees, the brāhmaṇas, one’s mantra, the Holy Name, and the shelter of the ever-youthful Divine Couple of Vraja.)
avaiṣṇava-mukhodgīrṇaṁ pūtaṁ hari-kathāmṛtam
śravaṇaṁ naiva kartavyaṁ sarpocchiṣṭaṁ yathā payaḥ
(Padma Purāṇa)
“One should not hear anything about any bhagavat-topics from a non-Vaiṣṇava. Milk touched by the lips of a serpent has poisonous effects; similarly, talks about Kṛṣṇa given by a non-Vaiṣṇava are also poisonous.” One must be a bona fide devotee, and then he can preach and impress devotional service upon his listeners.
avaiṣṇavopadiṣṭena mantreṇa nirayaṃ vrajet |
punaś ca vidhinā samyag grāhayed vaiṣṇavād guroḥ || 366 ||
Any mantra taken from a non Vaiṣṇava should be ignored, and it is the rule to accept again mantra from a right source (bonafide vaiṣṇava-guru), because otherwise one has to go to hell.
A striking confirmation of this principles is found in this statement of Bhīṣma to Yudhiṣṭhira in the Mahābhārata 12.57.7:
guror apy avaliptasya kāryākāryam ajānataḥ
utpatha-pratipannasya parityāgo vidhīyate
“One is enjoined to renounce even a guru who is contaminated, not knowing what is to be done and what is not to be done, and who has taken to a deviant path.”
Question No.2 from a devotee—
Also, if possible, I want to know what are the devotees from ISKCON referring to, when they say that "Śrīla Prabhupāda"'s (Swami Mahārāj's) arrival was predicted in Purāṇas. Can we know those ślokas and explanation? I remember Baba said once that someone will appear in Puruṣottama Dhāma (The Prabhupāda).
Answer to the question by Śrīla Shyam Das Baba—
It is only about The Prabhupāda (Gauḍīya Goṣṭhī Pati Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda Paramahaṁsa Jagad Guru) the scriptural evidence can be found from Padma Purāṇa-- ‘heutkale puruṣottamat’ to establish the fact that he can bring about a great evolution all over the world in Gaudiya devotional field to fulfil the desire …
pṛthivīte āche yata nagarādi-grāma
sarvatra pracāra haibe mora nāma
(CB Antya-khaṇḍa 4.126)
"In every town and village throughout the world," said Lord Caitanya, "the chanting of My Holy Name will be heard."
… of Śrī Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu in true sense, but some cunning personalities always trying to get undue advantage out of that by using the duplicate name of The Prabhupāda for their commercial benefit which is very very offensive, which can never be excused, because they like to make a great confusion among common public or among so called devotees.
Ācārya Kesari Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Pragyan Kesava Gosvāmī Mahārāj said that— “With a strong hope to get pratiṣṭhā by exhibiting our personal talent, if we never hesitate to identify our most favourable benefactor (or true well-wisher) previous ācāryas as ignorant and foolish, then in that case our children (our next generations) they also can call us ignorant, foolish or uncivilized (or brute) etc. what strange or surprise can be there in it?”
We know that a very few such interested people are really ready to accept the Absolute Truth from heart. In fact, such people are always very rare but still we cannot deny the absolute result of the absolute preaching, because absolute tattva is not so weak and cheap so that this can be destroyed by manpower or money power etc.
Śrīla Saccidananda Bhaktivinod Ṭhākura manifested himself as the sweeper of that ‘Nama Hatta’ to sweep away all those garbage accumulated by those wicked sahajiyās by the help of his countless writings and speeches followed by the most powerful representative appointed by him – who is known to us all as Jagat Guru Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Prabhupāda – who is a lion like ācārya personality to destroy or burn up all sahajiyā siddhānta vichars . Now at present even nobody like to know who is the original Prabhupāda.
Thanks a lot
Truly yours in the service of Śrī Śrī Guru Gaurāṅga and Go-Mātā
Baba Śrī Shyam Das