The center point of each and every sincere Gaudiya Math devotee is the absolute acharan and adharsha shown by The Prabhupada
Updated: Dec 19, 2024
All glories to Śrī Śrī Guru-Gaurāṅga
A Sarasvat Gauḍīya devotee can never give up his neutral position of being a loyal servant of The Prabhupāda
praṇamāmi sadā prabhupāda-padam
(Śrīla Prabhupāda Padma Stavakah)
Like the moon that delights the stars, he is surrounded by his circle of personal servitors, making their hearts bloom in divine ecstasy. The malicious non-devotees are made to flee in panic by the sound of his thunderous roar, and the simple, inoffensive souls attain the ultimate fortune by accepting his Lotus Feet. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the brilliance emanating from the toenails of the holy Lotus Feet of my lord.
Any actual Gauḍīya devotee can never be displaced from their neutral position—The Lotus Feet of The Prabhupāda. They never add any weight in the form of their own personal desire so that they can oscillate from this side to that side just like a pendulum, ignoring the absolute center point shown by Śrīla Prabhupāda for some cheap personal interest. A true Gauḍīya devotee can never give up his neutral position for some cheap personal interest in form of lābha, pūjā, pratiṣṭhā. The center point of each and every sincere Gauḍīya Maṭh devotee is the absolute acharan and adharsha shown by The Prabhupāda. Only when one has lost that absolute neutral position of the Lotus Feet of The Prabhupāda, then and only then one can start to run after his personal cheap selfish ends. Śrīla Prabhupāda used to say that— “A flattering personality can never be a preacher personality”. Gauḍīya devotees are surely not preaching like a lady full of shyness – who hides herself behind the veil, rather they are always ready to face any kind of eventualities coming in front of them. Śrīla Prabhupāda said that—" To arrest the current perverted tide of this fanatic society is the seemingly unpleasant duty of Gauḍīya Maṭh.” Gauḍīya devotees are always ready to pull out the unnecessary weeds which are all growing along with the actual creeper of pure devotion. Especially nowadays we can see enormous spreading of weeds (or unwanted elements) even in our own Gauḍīya sampradāya. All the dignities and idealism of The Prabhupāda are almost devoured by those weeds which are all growing rapidly upwards. Where to go, where to take shelter––that is the most vital question today. This is the most vital question relating to our real self. People are completely in confusion. What a kind of absolutely solid foundation Śrī Gauḍīya Maṭh has, even we cannot imagine, but still, we allow all those weeds in the form unwanted elements growing more and more. How shameful we are for the present situation in front of us so that we cannot stand in front of The Prabhupāda who was always ready to give his life and soul for the absolute benefit of all jīvas. Is it not a question of great repentance? But even more surprising than this is that those who are having honest desire to save the whole world, they are being attacked again and again by those demons who all are unnecessarily attacking the honeybees (those paramahaṁsa devotees) to collect some poison from the Lotus like flower of the Lotus Feet of Śrīman Mahāprabhu. Śrīla Prabhupāda very clearly used to say that–– “You all together jointly with mutual understanding try to do bhagavat sevā under the shelter of the same original āśraya vigraha.” Unfortunately, this we cannot see at present. At present, we can see that the heart of Śrī Gauḍīya Maṭh, we mean the absolute teachings of The Prabhupāda, is being attacked by parasites which are trying to destroy the whole system—The absolute and divine flow of śrī bhakti-siddhānta vani, which is the life and soul of Śrī Gauḍīya Maṭh. The whole organism of Śrī Gauḍīya Maṭh as was shown by Śrīla Prabhupāda should be healthy devotional atmosphere, devoid of any mutual competition or jealousy etc., otherwise there is no way open for us. Śrīla Sadananda Svami, the most intimate disciple of Śrīla Prabhupāda Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura, used to give the example of a pyramid. Śrīla Sadananda Svami said–– “The Maṭh is the spiritual association of those who serve or pray to be allowed to serve in surrendering mood under the Spiritual Absolute Agent and as such it is distinctly different from all sorts of so-called religious communities. Its structure is in the form of a pyramid the augmentation of which is established by new cells which have no other inclination than to be the lowest ingredients of the whole. The entelechia or the moving motive is the longing for being accepted as proper ingredients, fostered by the realised or heard eternal spiritual inclination of the spiritual object towards the Absolute Subject. Anyone who introspects into the life of the actual Gauḍīya Maṭh will find the opposite of any automatisms and artificial growth. No “serving” attitude under the garb of selfish interests is producing a so-called “serving” attitude in the neophyte, but everyone is trying to regard himself as the most unworthy and unfit member, is avoiding to accept services from others under all circumstances, but striving after any form of service leaving aside all hierarchical considerations. That such an association of devotees can exist at all – facing the variegatedness of types – is to be explained by the fact that they incite each other by the conduct of submitting unconditionally to the will of the Spiritual Absolute Agent in the explicit knowledge or implicit faith that He alone knows one or the other to serve the Supreme Lord in such and such a way which may be quite intelligible to the objective person himself.”
When all our centre point is one and the same, at the same time the goal is absolute––in that case there cannot be any reason of infighting, but when all our individual self-interest getting first priority, then all our dirty individual interest can make us diverted from that absolute goal of bhagavat sevā.
This is known to us all that the whole life of Śrīla Baba Mahārāj is already dedicated unto the Lotus Feet of bhakti siddhānta vani sevā, who is giving all his transcendental blood to find absolute solution of those critical situation arising time to time in our Gauḍīya devotional field regarding siddhānta vichar or etiquette etc., but till now no one of those known ācāryas coming forward to extend their helpful hand in the way of this most vital and life-saving sevā to protect the whole Gauḍīya society, rather they try to pierce Śrīla Baba Mahārāj with their sharp arrows of their non-cooperation mood or criticism, and by trying to play all kinds of foul tricks to stop his honest and divine preaching mission. But please remember that an honest Gauḍīya devotee like Śrīla Baba Mahārāj who always claims himself always as a faithful and loyal pet dog of our Gauḍīya guru-varga is always ready to truly try to fulfil the desire of Śrīla Prabhupāda under the strict guidance of our Sarasvat Gauḍīya guru-varga who said that— “Each and every member of Śrī Gauḍīya Maṭh must be ready to spend gallons of blood for the emancipation of bonded souls.” So, we can safely say that Śrīla Baba Mahārāj will continue with his divine mission, even though most of you all are preparing a bed of arrows for him in form of criticism and different kind of foul games. In the same situation in which Bhīṣma Deva was put into, Śrīla Baba Mahārāj also will continue his divine sevā to speak fearlessly from this bed of arrows, those most vital advices regarding the absolute teachings of The Prabhupāda, there is no doubt in it. And please remember that our honest declaration can never come out failure, because the great sacrifice of Śrīla Baba Mahārāj can never meet with flop end, even though if nobody going to cooperate with him.
From the bottom of our heart we pray to all Sarasvatī Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavas, the most powerful and compassionate commanders of Śrī Śrīla Prabhupāda’s army, that they will forever protect us under their divine Lotus Feet and help us carry out their orders with humility and love.
We pray, venerable Vaiṣṇavas, to be allowed to be devoted to you from the bottom of our hearts.
Thanks a lot
Truly yours in the service of Śrī Śrī Guru-Gaurāṅga and Go-Mata
We all the members of Śrī Bhakti Siddhānta Vani Sevā Trust—the honest and sincere followers of Śrī Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda Paramahaṁsa-Jagatguru (Gauḍīya Goṣṭhī Pati) on behalf of the whole Sarasvatī Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Saṅga.
Special Note—It is our honest craving request from heart to all those personalities those who are acting as ācāryas in our Gauḍīya devotional field at present to come forward honestly and boldly to give answer to all those contradictory or controversial issues arising time to time in our Sarasvat Gauḍīya devotional field to destroy the infrastructure of our Sarasvat Gauḍīya bhajan. Why only and only we can approach Śrīla Baba Mahārāj to find solution to all those problems to prove that he is the enemy of us all.
The most important quotation by Śrīla Saccidananda Bhaktivinod Ṭhākura should be considered from the core of our heart to avoid duplicity existing inside our heart–– “Nowadays due to the negligence of the mantra-ācāryas, there has almost been a complete deprivation of pure devotional conclusions amongst the Vaiṣṇavas.”